class Transducer
The algorithm for imitating Levenshtein automata was taken from the following journal article:
@ARTICLE{Schulz02faststring, author = {Klaus Schulz and Stoyan Mihov}, title = {Fast String Correction with Levenshtein-Automata}, journal = {INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION}, year = {2002}, volume = {5}, pages = {67—85} }
As well, this Master Thesis helped me understand its concepts:
The supervisor of the student who submitted the thesis was one of the authors of the journal article, above.
The algorithm for constructing a DAWG (Direct Acyclic Word Graph) from the input dictionary of words (DAWGs are otherwise known as an MA-FSA, or Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata), was taken and modified from the following blog from Steve Hanov:
The algorithm therein was taken from the following paper:
@MISC{Daciuk00incrementalconstruction, author = {Jan Daciuk and Bruce W. Watson and Richard E. Watson and Stoyan Mihov}, title = {Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata}, year = {2000} }
class Transducer
Accepts a state corresponding to some dictionary term and the length of the query term, and identifies the minimum distance between the terms.
'minimum_distance': (state, w) ->
throw new Error('minimum_distance not specified on construction')
Returns a collection for storing spelling candidates. The only requirement is that it has a push(candidate) method and can be passed to this.transform(matches)
'build_matches': () ->
throw new Error('build_matches not specified on construction')
Returns the initial state of the Levenshtein automaton
'initial_state': () ->
throw new Error('initial_state not specified on construction')
Returns the root of the dictionary
'root': () ->
throw new Error('root not specified on construction')
Returns a mapping of labels to dictionary states, which correspond to the outgoing edges of a dictionary state.
'edges': (q_D) ->
throw new Error('edges not specified on construction')
Determines whether a dictionary state is final
'is_final': (q_D) ->
throw new Error('is_final not specified on construction')
Transforms a collection of spelling candidates as necessary
'transform': (matches) ->
throw new Error('transform not specified on construction')
Accepts the maximum edit distance and returns a function that transitions among states.
'transition_for_state': (n) ->
throw new Error('transition_for_state not specified on construction')
Returns the characteristic vector of a set of parameters (see the paper, “Fast String Correction with Levenshtein-Automata”)
'characteristic_vector': (x, term, k, i) ->
throw new Error('characteristic_vector not specified on construction')
Pushes a spelling candidate onto the matches
'push': (matches, candidate) ->
throw new Error('push not specified on construction')
Specifies the default, maximum edit distance a spelling candidate may be from a query term.
'default_edit_distance': () ->
throw new Error('default_edit_distance not specified on construction')
constructor: (attributes) ->
for own attribute of attributes
this[attribute] = attributes[attribute]
Returns every term in the dictionary that is within n units of error from the query term.
'transduce': (term, n) ->
n = @['default_edit_distance']() unless typeof n is 'number'
w = term.length
transition = @['transition_for_state'](n)
matches = @['build_matches']()
stack = [['', @['root'](), @['initial_state']()]]
while stack.length > 0
[V, q_D, M] = stack['pop'](); i = M[0][0]
a = 2 * n + 1; b = w - i
k = if a < b then a else b
for x, next_q_D of @['edges'](q_D)
vector = @['characteristic_vector'](x, term, k, i)
next_M = transition(M, vector)
if next_M
next_V = V + x
stack.push([next_V, next_q_D, next_M])
if @['is_final'](next_q_D)
distance = @['minimum_distance'](next_M, w)
if distance <= n
@['push'](matches, [next_V, distance])
global =
if typeof exports is 'object'
else if typeof window is 'object'
global['levenshtein'] ||= {}
global['levenshtein']['Transducer'] = Transducer